AWWA C225-03

Original price was: $140.00.Current price is: $70.00.

AWWA Standard for Fused Polyolefin Coating Systems for the Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines

American Water Works Association , 06/01/2003

Pages: 32

This standard describes the materials and application of fused polyolefin coating systems for buried service. This system is applied in pipe coating plants, both portable and fixed, using coating techniques and equipment as recommended by the manufacturer. Normally, these prefabricated, polyolefin coatings are applied as a three-layer system consisting of a liquid adhesive, a corrosion-protection inner layer, and a mechanical-protection outer layer. This standard establishes the minimum requirements for fused polyolefin coating systems. This standard is intended for pipe in potable waterservice. Therefore, the maximum service temperature of this coating is based on the maximum service temperature of potable water. These coating systems will perform at higher temperatures. Consult the coating manufacturer for conditions and limitations.