API TR 654

Original price was: $125.00.Current price is: $62.00.

Aboveground Storage Tank Caulking or Sealing the Bottom Edge Projection to the Foundation, First Edition

American Petroleum Institute , 05/01/2019

Pages: 23



API TR 654 First Edition PDF

This technical report provides guidance to owner/operators that have tanks that are set on a foundation system with the goal to protect the asset from deterioration by minimizing corrosion and foundation deterioration and allowing for proper support of the tank shell. The asset includes the tank itself, as well as the foundation system.

This document does not require that caulking or sealants be installed at the bottom edge projection and the foundation of aboveground storage tanks. It provides guidance in situations in which caulking or sealants may be advantageous and should be considered.

This technical report applies to situations where an owner/operator is considering caulk or sealant in this area, or if any regulatory agency requires or recommends that an owner/operator installs some type of caulk or sealant. This document will also consider how to inspect existing caulk and sealant, including maintenance procedures, and includes a suggested inspection schedule.