API RP 571

Original price was: $385.00.Current price is: $192.00.

Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in the Refining Industry, Third Edition

American Petroleum Institute , 03/01/2020

Pages: 374



API RP 571 Third Edition PDF

This recommended practice discusses damage mechanisms applicable to oil refineries; however, much of the information herein can also be applied to petrochemical and other industrial applications, as the user deems appropriate. It is up to the user to determine the applicability and appropriateness of the information contained herein to their facility.

API RP 571 is a reference document that provides useful information by itself and also complements other API standards and recommended practices. The document should be utilized as referenced to other integrity-related documents. It is intended to contribute to the overall management of pressure equipment integrity and is a useful resource for many mechanical integrity program activities, including:

a) identification of existing damage or deterioration and anticipated rates of degradation,

b) identification of future damage mechanism susceptibilities,

c) development and maintenance of inspection and monitoring strategies, programs, and plans (e.g., per API 510, 570, and 653),

d) implementation and monitoring of integrity operating windows (IOWs) (see API RP 584),

e) development of corrosion control documents (CCDs) (see API RP 970),

f) implementation of risk-based inspection (RBI) programs (see API RP 580 and 581),

g) conducting fitness-for-service (FFS) assessments (see API RP 579),

h) application of proper examination techniques, and

i) conducting pressure equipment integrity incident investigations (see API RP 585).

Original price was: $367.00.Current price is: $183.00.

Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in the Refining Industry, Second Edition

American Petroleum Institute , 04/01/2011

Pages: 257


Provides background information on damage that can occur to equipment in the refining process. It is intended to supplement Risk Based Inspecton (RP 580 and Publ 581) and Fitness-for-Service (RP579) technologies develeped in recent years by API to manage exisiting refining equipment integrity. It is also an excellent reference for inspection,operations, and maintenance personnel.Covers over 60 damage mechanism. Each write-up consists of a general description of the damage, susceptible materials, of construction, critical factors, Inspection method selection guidelines, and control measures. Wherever possible, pictures are included and references are provided for each mechanism. In addition, generic process flow diagrams have been included that contain a summary of the major damage flow mechanism expected for typical refinery process units.

Original price was: $233.00.Current price is: $116.00.

Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in the Refining Industry (printed edition includes 3-ring binder)

American Petroleum Institute , 12/01/2003

Pages: 254


This document provides background information on damage that can occur to equipment in the refining process. It is intended to supplement Risk Based Inspection (RP 580 and Publ. 581) and Fitness-for-Service (RP 579) technologies developed in recent years by API to manage existing refining equipment integrity. It is also an excellent reference for inspection, operations, and maintenance personnel.API RP 571 covers over 60 damage mechanisms. Each write-up consists of a general description of the damage, susceptible materials of construction, critical factors, inspection method selection guidelines, and control measures. Wherever possible, pictures are included and references are provided for each mechanism. In addition, generic process flow diagrams have been included that contain a summary of the major damage mechanism expected for typical refinery process units.