API RP 687 Second Edition

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Special-purpose Rotating Equipment Repairs, Second Edition, Includes Errata 1 (2024)

American Petroleum Institute , 10/01/2023

Pages: 672




This recommended practice covers the recommendations for the inspection and repair of special-purpose rotating equipment assemblies and components (rotors, bearings, couplings, and stationary components) used in petroleum, chemical, and gas industry services.

This document does not cover the removal or reinstallation of the assemblies of the equipment. This recommended practice is separated into chapters that provide recommendations to specific equipment.

— Chapter 0 provides an overview of the inspections and repairs for special purpose rotating equipment assemblies and components.

— Chapter 1 provides common information that should be used for rotor assemblies identified in Chapters 2 through 7.

— Chapters 2 through 7 should be used separately for the rotors for the specific equipment identified in Chapters 2 through 7 and in conjunction with Chapters 0 and 1.

— Chapter 8 provides recommendations for stationary component inspections and repairs.

This document covers equipment manufactured to the requirements of API 612 Special Purpose Steam Turbines, API 613 Special Purpose Gears, API 617 Axial and Centrifugal Compressors and ExpanderCompressors, API 619 Rotary-Type Positive Displacement Compressors, API 671 Special Purpose Couplings, and Hot Gas Expanders used in FCCU Power Recovery and Nitric Acid Services.