API Publ 4743

Original price was: $166.00.Current price is: $83.00.

Hazard Narrative for Tertiary-Butyl Alcohol (TBA), CAS Number 75-65-0

American Petroleum Institute , 11/01/2005

Pages: 76


API Publ 4743 PDF

The purpose of this investigation was to conduct a quantitative risk assessment according to USEPA guidelines (USEPA 2005) in which data on the mode of action by which TBA induced renal tumors in rats and thyroid tumors in mice was considered. When data from animal studies, such as the TBA bioassays, are extrapolated to humans to provide estimates of lifetime cancer risks, then potential differences in pharmacokinetics (metabolism) and pharmacodynamics (sensitivity and mode of action) between the animal species and humans is considered in the estimation of human equivalent doses and in extrapolation from high doses typically used in the animal bioassays to low doses to which humans may be potentially exposed. Pharmacokinetic, toxicity, and mode of action data for TBA were reviewed and data selected for quantitative dose-response modeling.