Original price was: $145.00.Current price is: $72.00.

Testing of Heavy Brines, Fifth Edition

American Petroleum Institute , 10/01/2014

Pages: 86


API 13J covers the physical properties, potential contaminants, and test procedures for heavy brine fluids manufactured for use in oil and gas well drilling, completion, fracturing, and workover fluids.API 13J provides methods for assessing the performance and physical characteristics of heavy brines for use in field operations. It includes procedures for evaluating the density or specific gravity, the clarity or amount of particulate matter carried in the brines, the crystallization point or the temperature (both ambient and under pressure) at which the brines make the transition between liquid and solid, the pH, and iron contamination.It also contains a discussion of gas hydrate formation and mitigation, brine viscosity, corrosion testing, buffering capacity, and a standardized reporting form (see Figure A.1).API 13J is intended for the use of manufacturers, service companies, and end users of heavy brines.

Original price was: $140.00.Current price is: $70.00.

Testing of Heavy Brines, Fourth Edition

American Petroleum Institute , 05/01/2006

Pages: 43

Covers heavy brines commonly used in petroleum and natural gas completion, workover and drill-in-fluids. These brines can be purchased or rented from multiple sources, and are available worldwide. No single source or limited source of supply is included., either by inference or reference. Also provides methodsfor assessing the performance and physical characteristics of heavy brines for used in field operations. It includes procedures for evaluating the density of specific gravity, clarity or amount of particulate matter carried in brine, crystillization point or the temperature (both ambient and under pressure) at which the brines make the transition between liquid and solid, pH, and iron contamination. It also contains a discussin of gas hydrate formation and mitigation, buffering capacity and a standardized reporting form. This edition of API 13J is the identical national adoption of ISO 13503-3:2005, Petroleum and natural gas industries-Competion fluids and materials-Part 3: Testing of heavy brines.

Original price was: $144.00.Current price is: $72.00.

Testing of Heavy Brines, Third Edition

American Petroleum Institute , 01/01/2004

Pages: 45

This standard covers heavy brines commonly used in petroleum and natural gas completion, workover and drill-in fluids. These brines can be purchased or rented from multiple sources, and are available worldwide. No single source or limited source of supply is included, either by inference or reference.This standard provides methods for assessing the performance and physical characteristics of heavy brines for use in field operations. It includes procedures for evaluating the density or specific gravity, clarity or amount of particulate matter carried in the brine, crystallization point or the temperature (both ambient and under pressure) at which the brines make the transition between liquid and solid, pH, and iron contamination. It also contains a discussion of gas hydrate formation and mitigation, buffering capacity and a standardized reporting form.