Original price was: $140.00.Current price is: $70.00.

Gulf of Mexico MODU Practices for the 2007 Hurricane Season – Interim Recommendations (WITHDRAWN – REPLACED BY APPENDIX K TO API 2SK)

American Petroleum Institute , 04/01/2007

Pages: 42

This Recommended Practice supersedes RP 95F, First Edition, May 2006. RP 95 supplements API RP 2SK, RP 2I, and RP2SM for Gulf Of Mexico MODU mooring design, operation, inspection and maintenance practices during hurricane season. Topics addressed in RP 95F that will be part of the overall mooring design and MODU operations include:

  • Mooring Analysis
  • Mooring Design Criteria
  • Consequences of Failure
  • Indicative GOM hurricane extreme metocean conditions
  • Site-specific risk assessment and mitigation
  • Mooring hardware issues such as anchor system considerations and mooring system improvements
  • Mooring operation issues such as deployment, hurricane preparedness, and inspection

This RP was developed through a cooperative arrangement with the American Petroleum Institute’s Subcommittee on Offshore Structures – RP 2SK Task Group, the API Executive Committee on Drilling and Production Operations, and the Joint Industry Project entitled “US Gulf of Mexico Mooring Strength Reliability” (MODU JIP).

Original price was: $144.00.Current price is: $72.00.

Interim Guidance for Gulf of Mexico MODU Mooring Practice-2006 Hurricane Season, First Edition

American Petroleum Institute , 05/01/2006

Pages: 39

This recommended practice supplements API RP 2SK for Gulf Of Mexico MODU mooring design and operation practice during the hurricane season. Topics addressed herein that will be part of the overall mooring design and MODU operations include:

  • Site and well-specific data
  • Design criteria for the mooring
  • Indicative GOM hurricane extreme metocean conditions
  • Mooring analysis
  • Site-specific risk assessment and mitigation
  • Mooring hardware issues such as anchor system and mooring system upgrade
  • Mooring operation issues such as deployment, hurricane preparedness, and inspection