API Std 546

Original price was: $225.00.Current price is: $112.00.

Brushless Synchronous Machines – 500 kVA and Larger, Third Edition

American Petroleum Institute , 09/01/2008

Pages: 191

This standard covers the minimum requirements for form-wound and bar-wound brushless synchronous machines in petroleum-related industry service. The standards has been updated to include both synchronous motors and generators with two different rotor designs: (1) the conventional salient-pole rotor with solid or laminated poles, and (2) the cylindrical rotor with solid or laminated construction. Also included are new datasheet guides to help clarify the datasheet requirement.

Original price was: $144.00.Current price is: $72.00.

Brushless Synchronous Machines – 500 kVA and Larger

American Petroleum Institute , 06/01/1997

Pages: 108

Covers the minimum requirements for form-wound and bar-wound brushless synchronous machines in petroleum related industry service. The standard has been updated to include both synchronous motors and generators with two different rotor designs: (1) the conventional salient-pole rotor with solid or laminated poles, and (2) the cylindrical rotor with solid or laminated construction. Also included are new datasheet guides to help clarify the datasheet requirements.