ASME B107.400-2018 (R2023)

Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $37.00.

Striking Tools

ASME International , 02/20/2019

Pages: 38



ASME B107.400-2018 (R2023) PDF

The purpose of B107.400 is to define essential performance and safety requirements specifically applicable to the various striking tools covered herein. It specifies test methods to evaluate performance related to the defined requirements and safety, and indicates limitations of safe use. This standard supersedes, replaces, and renders obsolete the following standards: B107.41 Nail Hammers, B107.42 Hatchets and Axes, B107.53 Ball Peen Hammers, B107.54 Heavy Striking Tools, B107.57 Bricklayers Hammers & Prospecting Picks, B107.58 Riveting, Scaling, and Tinner’s Setting Hammers. In addition to the consolidation of these individual striking tool standards, this revision corrects the striking test from B107.57. ASME B107.56, Body Repair Tools was included in the 2008 edition of ASME B107.400 but is now a stand-alone document under separate cover.