ASME B31.1-2022 PDF: Power Piping
Rules for this Code Section have been developed considering the needs for applications that include piping typically found in electric power generating stations, industrial and institutional plants, geothermal heating systems, and central and district heating and cooling systems.
The general philosophy underlying this Power Piping Code is to parallel those provisions of Section I, Power Boilers, of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, as they can be applied to power piping systems. The allowable stress values for power piping are generally consistent with those assigned for power boilers. This Code is more conservative than some other piping codes, reflecting the need for long service life and maximum reliability in power plant installations.
The Power Piping Code as currently written does not differentiate among the design, fabrication, and erection requirements for critical and noncritical piping systems, except for certain stress calculations and mandatory nondestructive tests of welds for heavy wall, high-temperature applications. The problem involved is to try to reach agreement on how to evaluate criticality, and to avoid the inference that noncritical systems do not require competence in design, fabrication, and erection. Someday such levels of quality may be definable, so that the need for the many different piping codes will be overcome.
There are many instances where the Code serves to warn a designer, fabricator, or erector against possible pitfalls; however, the Code is not a handbook and cannot substitute for education, experience, and sound engineering judgment. Nonmandatory Appendices are included in the Code. Each contains information on a specific subject, and is maintained current with the Code. Although written in mandatory language, these Appendices are offered for application at the user’s discretion.
The Code never intentionally puts a ceiling limit on conservatism. The designer is free to specify more-rigid requirements if the designer feels such requirements are justified. Conversely, a designer who is capable of applying a more complete and rigorous analysis consistent with the design criteria of this Code may justify a method different from that specified in the Code and still satisfy the Code requirements.
The Power Piping Committee strives to keep abreast of the current technological improvements in new materials, fabrication practices, and testing techniques; and endeavors to keep the Code updated to permit the use of acceptable new developments.
ASME B31.1-2022 was approved by the American National Standards Institute on August 8, 2022.