ASME B5.57-2012 (R2022)

Original price was: $110.00.Current price is: $55.00.

Methods for Performance Evaluation of Computer Numerically Controlled Lathes and Turning Centers

ASME International , 05/02/2013

Pages: 146



ASME B5.57-2012 (R2022) PDF

This Standard establishes requirements and methods for specifying and testing the performance of CNC lathes and turning centers. In addition to clarifying the performance evaluation of lathes and turning centers, this Standard seeks to facilitate performance comparisons between machines by unifying terminology, general machine classification, and the treatment of environmental effects. The Standard defines testing methods capable of yielding adequate performance results for the majority of turning centers and is not intended to replace more complete tests. It is not the intent of this Standard to place limits on, or to enforce 100%-testing of, any individual machine tool in accordance with this Standard. This shall be the subject of contractual agreement between the Supplier and the User.