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2023 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III: Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility Components – Division 5: High Temperature Reactors

ASME International , 07/01/2023

Pages: 672



2023 ASME BPVC Section III Division 5 PDF

Section III – Division 5 contains rules for the construction of high-temperature reactors.

Careful application of this Section will help users to comply with applicable regulations within their jurisdictions, while achieving the operational, cost and safety benefits to be gained from the many industry best-practices detailed within these volumes.



Section III consists of Division 1, Division 2, Division 3, Division 4, and Division 5. These Divisions are broken down

into Subsections and are designated by capital letters preceded by the letter “N” for Division 1, by the letter “C” for Division

2, by the letter “W” for Division 3, by the letter “F” for Division 4, and by the letter “H” for Division 5. Each Subsection

is published separately, with the exception of those listed for Divisions 2, 3, 4, and 5.

• Subsection NCA — General Requirements for Division 1 and Division 2

• Appendices

• Division 1

– Subsection NB — Class 1 Components

– Subsection NCD — Class 2 and Class 3 Components

– Subsection NE — Class MC Components

– Subsection NF — Supports

– Subsection NG — Core Support Structures

• Division 2 — Code for Concrete Containments

– Subsection CC — Concrete Containments

• Division 3 — Containment Systems for Transportation and Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive


– Subsection WA — General Requirements for Division 3

– Subsection WB — Class TC Transportation Containments

– Subsection WC — Class SC Storage Containments

– Subsection WD — Class ISS Internal Support Structures

• Division 4 — Fusion Energy Devices

– Subsection FA — Fusion Energy Device Facilities

– Subsection FB — Pressure Boundary Components

• Division 5 — High Temperature Reactors

– Subsection HA — General Requirements

Subpart A — Metallic Materials

Subpart B — Graphite Materials

Subpart C — Composite Materials

– Subsection HB — Class A Metallic Pressure Boundary Components

Subpart A — Low Temperature Service

Subpart B — Elevated Temperature Service

– Subsection HC — Class B Metallic Pressure Boundary Components

Subpart A — Low Temperature Service

Subpart B — Elevated Temperature Service

– Subsection HF — Class A and B Metallic Supports

Subpart A — Low Temperature Service

– Subsection HG — Class SM Metallic Core Support Structures

Subpart A — Low Temperature Service

Subpart B — Elevated Temperature Service

– Subsection HH — Class SN Nonmetallic Core Components

Subpart A — Graphite Materials

Subpart B — Composite Materials


Subsections are divided into Articles, subarticles, paragraphs, and, where necessary, subparagraphs and



Articles are designated by the applicable letters indicated above for the Subsections followed by Arabic numbers, such

as NB-1000. Where possible, Articles dealing with the same topics are given the same number in each Subsection, except

NCA, in accordance with the following general scheme:

Article Number Title

1000 Introduction or Scope

2000 Material

3000 Design

4000 Fabrication and Installation

5000 Examination

6000 Testing

7000 Overpressure Protection

8000 Nameplates, Stamping With Certification Mark, and Reports

The numbering of Articles and the material contained in the Articles may not, however, be consecutive. Due to the fact

that the complete outline may cover phases not applicable to a particular Subsection or Article, the rules have been prepared

with some gaps in the numbering.


Subarticles are numbered in units of 100, such as NB-1100.


Subsubarticles are numbered in units of 10, such as NB-2130, and generally have no text. When a number such as

NB-1110 is followed by text, it is considered a paragraph.


Paragraphs are numbered in units of 1, such as NB-2121.


Subparagraphs, when they are major subdivisions of a paragraph, are designated by adding a decimal followed by one

or more digits to the paragraph number, such as NB-1132.1. When they are minor subdivisions of a paragraph, subparagraphs

may be designated by lowercase letters in parentheses, such as NB-2121(a).


Subsubparagraphs are designated by adding lowercase letters in parentheses to the major subparagraph numbers,

such as NB-1132.1(a). When further subdivisions of minor subparagraphs are necessary, subsubparagraphs are designated

by adding Arabic numerals in parentheses to the subparagraph designation, such as NB-2121(a)(1).